Stable Gossip Series 1


Stable Gossip is the ultimate collection of children’s stories involving horses. Unique in character and unrivalled, capturing life…

Stable Gossip Series 2

Stable Gossip Book 2

The complete collection sees all five stories combined. All the characters in so many situations creating Stable Gossip…

Stable Gossip Series 3

Stable Gossip Book 3

This third collection of Stable Gossip books sees the same wonderful characters from Stable Gossip two joining forces once again…


The wonderful world of horses, is a place where adults and children alike share their passion, dedication and devotion, to an animal who knows no malice, is submissive, loyal and equally intelligent.

Where a partnership of trust and hard work pays off and the feeling of Love congregates in shared hearts. Any Horse lover would agree! The “Magical” world of horses however stems deeper, beneath what one hears, further than one sees and yet becomes as clear as day to those blessed with the ability to look beyond. For Horses Talk, Horses Feel, Horses Want, Horses Think and Never Ever Forget.

I will now share with you a little magic, allowing my readers a glimpse of what Really goes on in their world, so aptly named…

Stable Gossip”.

Meet The Characters

Nosey Character


About Nosey

Nosey is an opinionated Chestnut Dressage Horse in training. Living in a world where circles, counting, eating, singing, observation and self obsession rule. It is nearly impossible to distract him from his busy busy schedule.

Rumbo Character


About Rumbo

A very big black Dressage youngster, eager to learn and grow.

Flo Character


About Flo

Flo is a dark Brown Dressage Princess. Her mother was a dark Brown Dressage Princess. Flo is convinced if the world hasn’t recognised her for her Princess Powers, then for sure, they will know her Mother… because she was a Princess!

Coco Character


About Coco

A true Dressage Diva of Olympic magnitude. A beauty in dark brown, patient, polite, correct, simply perfect in every way.



About Charmeur

A grey top Show jumper, Charmeur has been there, seen it and done it and has the Rosettes to prove it.

Best friend is Leo.

Leo Character


About Leo

A Grey Show jumper although blessed with talent, is best described as unflappable. A horse of few words that mostly begin with the letter “W”. Who, What, Where, Why?

Heindrick Character


About Heindrick

Heindrick is a big black German dressage gelding who just happens to be in the trailer next door to Nosey at the competition.